Gardening is a dangerous and physical activity. In order to ensure the health and safety of our staff and your workers, visitors, friends and family (as well as pets and wildlife) we work to strict health and safety guidelines.

We want to do good work for customers, but we believe in not cutting corners or taking risks.
This means that we do not just spray and run, or dig and dump. We create a plan for every job we do, we keep records of work, formulate spraying plans and record the types and quantities of any chemical, fertilizer or other sprays we use on your job.
Our records and planning are to keep everyone safe and to keep open lines of communication.
We have achieved PREQUAL status for working in public areas and on commercial sites, this means we know what we are doing and how to do it safely.
If you would like to discuss our approach to health and safety please feel free to call us, we are only to happy to answer any questions you may have.